Where are the best hookahs in the world?

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India is the birthplace of the hookah and one of the countries where a day cannot pass without this habit. Tourists visiting India, it is difficult then to give up this habit.

Now you can smoke a hookah for a couple of dollars in any part of India. It is cheaper here than in any other country, but it’s not worth waiting for anything special. You will be offered a classic hookah, without wine or fruit, but the coal will be changed without reminders, and the quality of tobacco will be high.

It is here that hookahs are produced, and also here, about eighty years ago, flavored tobacco was invented.

The prices for hookah smoking rarely exceed $ 5, the choice of tobacco is huge, and they can make hookah for you in hundreds of ways.

Here at every restaurant and cafe there is a sign inviting to a hookah hall. By the way, when ordering food or drinks, the cafe will offer its guests a free hookah, which can be smoked both while waiting for food and after it is taken.

The great passion for hookah in the last couple of decades has spread even to Greece. Hookah cost here will be about $ 10-15, and the quality will be quite acceptable.

Exotic lovers should go and try hookah in China. The culture of this state is unique in everything, including in the use of tobacco. By the way, in small towns or villages opium is put in a bowl instead of tobacco. Tourists decide for themselves whether to try it or not, but it is worth remembering that this entertainment is illegal.

Hookah in China is not similar to its European, African and even Asian counterparts. All functional parts in it are minimized, and there are no decorations at all. Unfortunately, it is designed only for one person, so it’s not fun to smoke a big group of friends.

If you like high-quality hookahs, but for now you don’t want to go abroad, you can always visit the restaurants and bars of our partners, where our professionals will prepare the highest quality hookah for you.

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